Frequently Asked Questions


These are the most common questions our clients ask us.

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How much does a FocalPoint Program cost?

Our hourly rate is $70 per hour. We offer contracts, which reduce the costs to you.

Although each program is individual, most of our students are on an interest-free payment plan that is $490 per month for two sessions per week. Some students attend 3 times a week for a cost of $735; and some only once for $295.

That's about half the cost of other learning centers.

After we have assessed your student, we will make our recommendation for the plan and let you know your monthly payment.

How often will my child go to FocalPoint?

This will vary from one individual to the next, but our students usually see us 1 - 3 times per week.

We have private sessions and small group sessions. Each session is approximately one hour.

When are the sessions?

During the school year, we work with students from 3:15 - 7:15 pm weekdays. We have special appointment times from 11:30 am - 2:30 pm weekdays for home schooled and college students.

In the summer, we work with students 9am - noon Tuesday through Thursday and 4pm-7pm Monday through Thursday. We have one-hour appointments available during those times.

How long are most students with FocalPoint?

Six months to a year is a good average. The best long-term results come from consistent work over a period of time. We plan a program that is long enough that we feel confident in your long-term success.

How old do I have to be to go to FocalPoint?

Our youngest students start in Kindergarten. The oldest student we have worked with was 69 years old. If you are between those ages, you can come to FocalPoint.

My child has an unusual problem, can you help?

FocalPoint has been helping kids in the Wenatchee area with a broad range of academic issues since 1999.

We have a focusing technique designed by a dyslexic. It helps many students focus and read.

We have strategies for motivation, organization, and teach the fundamentals of success.

We explain math in common sense, every day language using pictures and real world examples. Many math students come in totally confused and completely turn around their math experience through FocalPoint.

We have worked with high performing students who want to get ahead, Ausberger's, turrets, traumatic brain injury, and plenty of kids who just needed a little extra help.

Call 662-9121 to discuss your child's particular difficulties. Chances are, we can help you.

Does insurance cover Focalpoint?

Unfortunately, no.

Our students are private pay. We do find that families work together, and that grandparents often help.